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Dear Kitten

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Cats everywhere are promising big changes for a taste of wet cat food. What will your cat do? Tell us: http://www.IfYouFeedMe.com Subscribe to Friskies YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PurinaFriskies
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Текстовые комментарии (9613)
Spark Diaries (35 минут назад)
kayla8one (4 часа назад)
This video actually makes me want to have a cat
Panda DeThug (13 часов назад)
I wanna have a cat but.... my parents are allergic
Tanja Krause (17 часов назад)
bdufka (17 часов назад)
human larvae <3
megan pinder (20 часов назад)
Anais Guillaume (22 часа назад)
7saany (23 часа назад)
This was soooooo awesome!
Tiara Bagley (1 день назад)
The monster known as "Vah-coom" 😂
Karen Mitchell (1 день назад)
The only disgusting thing wrong with this video is the food!!!!!
Edd Rendon (2 дня назад)
Midnight Rawr (2 дня назад)
Jasmin Mendoza (2 дня назад)
Aww that's sweet
thefloorislava17 (2 дня назад)
'Vacoom' Love it
Madeline 😜 (3 дня назад)
So cuteee 😍😭😍😭
RainbowToys 700 (3 дня назад)
This is adorable 😻
kristof1018 (3 дня назад)
"the Vakuum" "it can eat and yell at the same time" "training us to be astronauts" "dark magic" "curtains of invisibility" "it can be caught" * "Human larvae" * whut
Gumerk Smith (4 дня назад)
lps fishsqueeks (5 дней назад)
i wasn't even listening what the video was about...i was just aww-ing on the kittens!
Amanda G (5 дней назад)
"Dark magic" Lol xD
The EquestriaWolf (5 дней назад)
l like this series a lot. DO MORE!! =D
Anna Chopp (5 дней назад)
I love this so much!!
jahvon jones (MinecraftForLife) (6 дней назад)
Man I luv this vid
ZenoDiac (6 дней назад)
Britney Shepherd (7 дней назад)
Does anyone know what song is playing in the background? 😂
metalsystem761 (8 дней назад)
That was fucking cute
Unique Kitten (8 дней назад)
The vacoom......THE VACOOM!!!!!
Zeno (9 дней назад)
I just watched a 3 minute ad to watch a 3 minute ad.
Megan Gilmore (9 дней назад)
This was the cutest thing 
Whovian 101 (9 дней назад)
Check out this video on YouTube: This. Video is hilarious especially if you have a cat!
Mackenzie Paige (9 дней назад)
//XDD I love this
Hanna Dobbs (10 дней назад)
I literally watch this all the time. Lol.😂😂
Kylie Munoz (10 дней назад)
"I think they are trying to train us to be astronauts" best quote of this freaking year! 
Samaniehas :D (10 дней назад)
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
xXNelkeXx (11 дней назад)
aww that's too cute :3
Sweet Girl1991 AJ (11 дней назад)
So much cuteness ^3^
MaryKay (12 дней назад)
these videos are so nice and soothing ^-^ i love them
Jack Maisie (12 дней назад)
Dear Kitten.
Snarf McGillacutty (12 дней назад)
What kind of cat is the gray one?
Girlene Aparecidaborges (12 дней назад)
Muito bom podia por mais videos engraçdos
Cat (12 дней назад)
This is all true! Rest in peace Peanut.
Megandstuff (12 дней назад)
I just realised at 1:30 it says gullible 
Creeperonthewals Account (13 дней назад)
The Vacuum cleaner thing XD 
Nicole Leonard (13 дней назад)
So Kawaii!! This is so cute
killer domo (14 дней назад)
Check out this video on YouTube: watch vids funny
josh lobrecht (13 дней назад)
Lol awsome
Con Man (14 дней назад)
That kitten is pure evil, just look at it.
Kaworu Nagisa (14 дней назад)
Maham Khan (14 дней назад)
I opened my backyard door an hour ago and found six kittens in the patio.
Jennifer Swanberg Wilson (15 дней назад)
I didn't think I could love our cats more!
Rose Aguilar (15 дней назад)
This is so beautiful, tears fell from my eyes.
Sweet T (15 дней назад)
So kawaii!!.... I love cats! They are the best!
UnluckyAmulet (15 дней назад)
The way he says "niblets" is perfection. Also, I want that kitten.
Sarah Jansen (15 дней назад)
Omg vacoemm😂
Anusshaa Devi (Hanushaa) (15 дней назад)
what is the breed of that grey cat?
Michaela Clark (16 дней назад)
sooo cute
Tmskits (16 дней назад)
I actually cried during this
mouna ben omar (16 дней назад)
lol so am i using the dark magic on my cat now?
tia dowler (17 дней назад)
I just commented on your vine buzz feed!🐼
Red_LeviathanGaming RLG (17 дней назад)
Cameron Bishop (17 дней назад)
This is by far the very best video I've ever seen. My colleagues just watched me for three minutes hissing out laughter as I almost choked to death. I am now a pariah.
_Skitty_ (17 дней назад)
OMG I saw this ad and I watched the whole thing and I was really looking foward to seeing it again
Sofian Sabil (17 дней назад)
fuad nabulsy (17 дней назад)
cats are sooo awesome and pretty and cute and they used to be gods in egypt okaaaaaayyyyyy !!!! ;D #kittens_are_the_best
mia babic (17 дней назад)
Peppercat901 (17 дней назад)
23Lunardlian (17 дней назад)
My cat would ask you to take out all the filler/carbs from your 'food'. Obligate carnivores cannot digest plant matter efficiently, often resulting in illnesses like diabetes and kidney problems.
Juan Vergara (18 дней назад)
Phuong Le (18 дней назад)
CUTE OVERLOAD 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈
Artem “Romantic” Smaznov (19 дней назад)
That was funny )
Erica Ludlow (19 дней назад)
Was i the only one who watched it again?
oprah pls (8 дней назад)
nope, this is like my eighth time watching it all together lol
Ashley Franklin (19 дней назад)
I love Dear Kitten and I don't even have a cat 
Leon Truong (19 дней назад)
You can tell if an ads is good when people actually search for it to re-watch it time after time, not like other ads, which everyone is trying to skip when they see it.
Themoustar15 (19 дней назад)
Daph Duck (19 дней назад)
The voice-over actually sounds like purring
Yuu Kanda (20 дней назад)
"It likes some dark magic" My gosh, this cat is awesome.....
monkay breadstick (20 дней назад)
This made me cry.. Rest in peace,Gavin you were a true lad.
Ayan44 (22 дня назад)
ChickenRamen (22 дня назад)
Sayan Shil (22 дня назад)
Check out this video on YouTube:
Sayan Shil (22 дня назад)
Aғsᴀɴᴀ Aʜᴍᴇᴅ (Heea) (22 дня назад)
Omfg watched the entire series
Twinkle Berry (22 дня назад)
Take a look at this video on YouTube: SERIOUSLY! You will REGRET not seeing this!!!
Erika Peterson (22 дня назад)
Jasmine Dubois (22 дня назад)
I didn't know there was a required number of times that a cat had to hiss at a kitten.
Kayla Robison (22 дня назад)
+Jared polansky perfect comment <3 Peaches
mynameisnotmya (22 дня назад)
why is this so comforting
dylan smith (22 дня назад)
Schnupsipupsi Miau (23 дня назад)
yesterday i lost my kitten by a car accident.... Forever Together R.I.P Ernie <3
Emma Totney (23 дня назад)
This is such a good advert!
Jonathan Hemsworth (24 дня назад)
Same thing still goes if human is the kitten, and the aliens are watching TV
Rissk (24 дня назад)
Is this ze frank?
Justin Joseph (25 дней назад)
Jose Arias (25 дней назад)
These ads I don't mind. They're cool and creative. 
Cajun Moose (25 дней назад)
The vacuum part got to me hahahaha.
David North (25 дней назад)
I dislike Purina, but I love Zefrank. My emotions are befuddled and my thoughts are muddled.
Tiny_Whale (26 дней назад)
How did This get 2k dislikes??? 2000!?
Myfirst Phone201412 (26 дней назад)
Piano Girl (26 дней назад)
that voice reminds me of the voice from the canadian house hippo commercial
Rachel Dewees (26 дней назад)
this is amazing
Rachel Dewees (26 дней назад)
#caturday enjoy
Jessica Woodhall (26 дней назад)
+Kayla Tromp THIS IS SO CUTE
Shruthi Yashavanth (27 дней назад)
Make more of these videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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