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Bike Lanes by Casey Neistat

Еще от: CaseyNeistat
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Текстовые комментарии (18008)
Frank Herrera (1 час назад)
Jesse Dakota (1 день назад)
THE LOGIC IS STUPID. He could easily go around all that stuff. Using this logic if a traffic lane is blocked will another idiot drive his hummer on the sidewalk or railroad tracks and video those crashes. As far as "Bike lanes" go they are useless. In Jax bikers ride in traffic lanes and obey traffic laws.... the bike lane is just a waste of mother earth (or 3rd world training for Americans). LOL
Blake O (1 день назад)
This was funny as hell. Thanks for making the video.
walter aquije (1 день назад)
I got a ticket once getting to Williamsburg Bridge because a Detour... Bitch stupid police
TiLkiiTV (1 день назад)
you fucked the System :D the bike lane is only for bikes
Avery and Aidan the twins (1 день назад)
Omer Mohamed (1 день назад)
Niels van Boheemen (1 день назад)
awsome Casey, that last part!
Vic L (2 дня назад)
Why did none react to Casey falling?
Morgan Davis (2 дня назад)
Omg Casey I can't get over how funny you are. Your vlogs are the only ones I seriously laugh at. 
Denise M (2 дня назад)
Brilliantly done, cried laughter. Happy to live in the Netherlands, the bicycle-loving country.
SurgeGamez (2 дня назад)
you are too good at filmmaking. chill out with that
halfcrazy12 (2 дня назад)
So much stupid in this video. That's why people don't like you douche bike riders. You for one don't have common sense and two think you are above the rules of the road. You see an obstruction in the bike lane you can stop and wait until it's moved or get off the bike and walk around it. You idiots don't have the right of way. You are treated as vehicles. Stop lights and signs apply to you just as they do to cars. Tonnage has the right of way. 
DREAMVIZON8 (2 дня назад)
brilliant !!!! this video made me sub
Pi Bk (3 дня назад)
Brilliant, just brilliant video. Congrats. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina and we pretty much share the same problems on the bike lanes. It's a matter of time for the people to understand they must not block the bike lanes but we'll get there. I'm confident we will. Greetings from BA.
Grant Lloyd (3 дня назад)
Love this vid!! Love them all but this one kills me everytime. 
GormyGorm (3 дня назад)
You should filed for an appeal after this video went up and presented it to them in court
tocsinxxx777 (3 дня назад)
Good, about time. Get out of the road that I pay taxes on. Bikers don't pay taxes on the road and still use it, just in case you didn't know. Keep ticketing these schmucks that feel the are privileged by helping the environment.
Sean R. (3 дня назад)
I love it. 
Leo Wells (3 дня назад)
This is one of the coolest videos I've ever watched lol
Mansa Musa (3 дня назад)
Yea unfortunately New York is probably the only place to distribute a summons or a ticket for the most dumbest reasons ever.
Alex Aulabaugh (3 дня назад)
did you ever get your $50 back?
christopher murphy (3 дня назад)
This is an awesome video.
Caleb Bryant (6 дней назад)
I was waiting for that last part...cops park in the bike lanes ALL the time!
kest46 (7 дней назад)
hugh richardson (7 дней назад)
so he's saying that the bike lane isnt always the safest place to be yet in the next scene you see him riding without a helmet....right....safe
Chris S (1 час назад)
+hugh richardson Sorry man but didnt you watch the video? Its not safety thats he's concerned with. Its justice. Like he said at the end, ticket those that block the lanes...and give him his $50 back
hugh richardson (5 часов назад)
+houstontown1 that's not the point im making though, im saying that if he's so concerned about safety the best thing he could do is to where a helmet
houstontown1 (11 часов назад)
+hugh richardson There's no denying that a helmet protects you better in an accident but that's not the point. As a "free" nation, which America claims to be, we the people should be able to chose whether or not we wish to wear proper head protection (same goes for a seat belt). By mandating it as law does not force those who choose not to wear a helmet to wear one (because many people still choose to break this law), but instead garners profits for the city/state from those who receive tickets for such an infraction if the law is enforced properly.
hugh richardson (1 день назад)
+Barish K that's a pretty small sample size buddy....plus you said you live in Netherlands and they have a very good infrastructure for cycling, in most other cities danger from vehicles is real problem
Barish K (2 дня назад)
+hugh richardson lol, I bike 3-4 km's to school everyday and I know nobody in my school that wears a helmet
Madeline Ruos (7 дней назад)
this is the greatest Casey video literally laughed my ass off the entire time
Taylor Braithwaite (7 дней назад)
I rewatch this everytime its mentioned in a vlog.
ankit sejwal (8 дней назад)
Awesome response, one of my fav video. :)
Jason Winell (8 дней назад)
Willami Pereira Batista (8 дней назад)
Hahahaha nice video
JYC422 (9 дней назад)
not a bicyclist, but i fucking love this video
Firedestroyer (9 дней назад)
**Gets fined for vandalism of police property.**
joep vossen (9 дней назад)
TheBull3745 (10 дней назад)
Orange Cones, Orange Cones!
Cooper Segars (10 дней назад)
That was really funny 😂😂😂😂
The ZiiiT's (11 дней назад)
hahahahah om sooooooo done ;) that was so funny... the crash in the police car at the end
Sarkazz Vlogs (12 дней назад)
lol this was great!
A.C.A.B police state crossing the line (12 дней назад)
Bike Lanes by Casey Neistat
ToonyCraft (12 дней назад)
i love this
Eric Beam (12 дней назад)
+carson bazemore this video is too funny, we should do something like this hahaha 
Johns Gresham (12 дней назад)
Couldn't stop laughing lol
Ivansky1 (13 дней назад)
If he wants to make the Video to Protest, that's fine. But, The Part Where He Dumps All That Garbage In The Sewer WAS NOT COOL!!!!!!!!!!
loveyoutube (13 дней назад)
I laughed sooo hard!jeez
Chris S (13 дней назад)
Hilarious! :-)
Dimitry Parshin (13 дней назад)
omg so you guys, there, in NYC get ticketed for almost fucking everywhere! for not riding a bike lane? for wearing headphones (???WTF LOL)? this is really sick. i hope those shitty rules won't hit up Moscow, cuz we ride as we fucking want here. love it. (safety first, anyway!)
Panda Logic (13 дней назад)
ReirBaws (13 дней назад)
you are the baws
McKina wright (13 дней назад)
I was laughing so hard 😂
Leo teh Tiger (13 дней назад)
Casey, last time I fell like that, I broke my clavicle. I hope you are okay after this video. You proved your point. You are just such an amazing guy Casey. I fucking love you as a role model and the guy you are. I love you Casey Neistat.
lol12345986 (13 дней назад)
Best video ever.. I couldn't stop laughing lmao
Aditya Sree (13 дней назад)
this video should be everywhere man!!!
Brad Forbes (13 дней назад)
This is so funny every time you fell I just burst out laughing. It's like something they would do on jackass
LisssH (14 дней назад)
7escape (14 дней назад)
this is soooooo good
anakinzorbas (14 дней назад)
this is one of the best video clips I've ever seen I laughed my ass off when you did all that to prove a point. that's the spirit! keep up the good work
Norcda Childa (14 дней назад)
I hope you're okay after all of that! :)
YuXuan L. (14 дней назад)
you're awesome, Casey
Karimchii (14 дней назад)
I came here from the daily vlogs, can't believe you full on crashed into the police car lol
ThatAsianGuy (14 дней назад)
Future Casey brought me here
ramblinman (14 дней назад)
Hey Casey, I live in the mountains of VA where there are NO bike lanes. Bikers and drivers, we all get along fine. Thanks for the belly laugh this morning.
Warren Alexis (Christopher) (14 дней назад)
Awesome video. I wonder if he got any real response from this
North American YouTuber (14 дней назад)
Where I live almost no one rides in the bicycle lane.
Dark6star (15 дней назад)
Matt Litman (15 дней назад)
This is fucking gold
Lynx Nguyệt (16 дней назад)
LOL, amazing ! Thank alot for a day ! =))
Harry Schlonge (16 дней назад)
Why bitch about cop doing his job. Maybe you should harass city hall.
Carter Yasutake (16 дней назад)
FootAndFly (17 дней назад)
unjustace12 (17 дней назад)
No matter how hard I tried.....I could not stop laughing at his falls xD
Martin Joustra (17 дней назад)
NYC should take a good look at the bike lanes in the Netherlands including the rules about cyclists and car drivers among each other. When an accident happens between a cyclist and a car the burden is on the car driver. Cars have to give way to cyclists here. Something similar counts for pedestrians. When a car driver sees a pedestrian even intending to cross the road he has to stop. Those rules don't count on roads where pedestrians and cyclists are not allowed to go (freeways). Search youtube about the Dutch bicycle lanes, it's worth to know.
Plop Plopp (17 дней назад)
subbed you man, like your style
G cole 8 (18 дней назад)
You suck police officers can't you see the traffic is shitty and the bike lane is covered by construction equipment
Roman Soldier (18 дней назад)
i laughed so hard when he started to say something about things in the way and he ran into something on purpose
c dot (19 дней назад)
NYPD can go run backwards through a field of dicks (props if you know what thats from)
Herman Gohn (19 дней назад)
Ta en titt på denne videoen på YouTube:
Guy Hawkes (19 дней назад)
Normally I dislike bike riders but this video is hilarious! Solid points.
Hellfire Beats (19 дней назад)
Yoooooooooooo! Hahahahahaha
Carlos Paiz (20 дней назад)
well done !!! we must denounce abuse
Parkour2Go (21 день назад)
This is my all time favorite movie! Good job Casey 
Nwonk Un (21 день назад)
Lmaooooo this is the best
Roxbury (22 дня назад)
This video made my day.
Eli O (22 дня назад)
Ohh I lovee this videoo!!!❤️
Destinee Carpenter (22 дня назад)
Literally have seen this a hundred times but keep coming back every other day to watch this
Oaltakrouri (22 дня назад)
At least you made more than 50 bucks from this video.
Spoder Mon (22 дня назад)
Spoder Mon (22 дня назад)
CASEY you are featured on this app called IFunny like so he could check this out
david villada (23 дня назад)
Zara Kay (24 дня назад)
lets be real, it's all about getting his $50 back.
Kimmy Kuppa (24 дня назад)
So cleaver !
topgun777 (24 дня назад)
Casey this video is hilarious but so true! One of your best!
Wing Huang (25 дней назад)
the perfect demonstration to committing to how pissed a man can be.
ripperx444 (25 дней назад)
This was great! Hahah 
Viktoria Sarkisova (25 дней назад)
Tommynnd (25 дней назад)
i love that last one . amaziing do that every time pls
fun1k (25 дней назад)
Really, police everywhere should be about making sure it's safe and helping people, not about forcing them to uphold some strict narrow law perspective.
Георгий Зейков (26 дней назад)
What kind of music used in the video?
Oleg Kostyukevich (26 дней назад)
Его обязали ездить лишь по велосипедной дорожке. Он этак и сделал. Что из этого вышло... 
Pavel Bohmat (25 дней назад)
Приколист :) У нас вообщем таких дорожек дудки.., конечно и вообщем, обычных дорожек :(
Костянтин Кононенко (26 дней назад)
Оо крутий блогер. Підписався

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